Moving Day Tips
- Do not overload drawers when packing items in dressers, etc.
- Any fixtures fastened to the wall, drapery tracks, etc. should not be taken.
- Make sure to drain the gas out of such items as out board motors and power mowers.
- Defrost your refrigerator the day before moving.
- Purchase a small amount of picture hanging hooks for the new home.
- Pack a small tool box with you for the move. i.e. hammer, screwdriver, drill, nails and a flashlight as you will almost certainly need them.
- Power tools, such as lathes, saws, grinders, should be dismantled for safe moving.
- Number or name all of your boxes and furniture according to the rooms they will be placed in at your new home. This will make it more efficient for the movers, cutting down on your costs.
- Mark any articles you may require first in your new home so that they may be loaded accordingly. Be sure to pick up masking tape and a felt marker.
- It is not necessary to empty dresser drawers, but remove all fragile and heavy items and all liquids.
- Any items such as luggage that you are not including in the goods to be moved, should be kept separate so they will not be moved in error.
- On moving day, check attic, basement and garage to make sure all wanted items are taken.
- Do not leave trays, etc. loose in refrigerator and stove.
- Towels and pillows may be packed in dresser drawers.
- Pack in one carton enough dishes and utensils to allow you to prepare your first meal at your new home. Take it with you in your car if possible. If not, load this carton last so it will be the first item unloaded at your new home.
- Liquids in bottles should have tops securely fastened.
- Notify utilities when to discontinue service.
- Discard flammables - such as matches, lighter fluids, gasoline, paints, turpentine.
- Take a telephone book with you, it will come in handy for checking addresses, etc. Arrange to have one at your new location if leaving the area. Remember to take one with you from your current location.
- If you are moving into a new home in a new subdivision, check that the driveway and roads are accessible to the moving truck.
- Arrange to transfer your bank account to your new location
- Make sure the telephone is left connected UNTIL THE LOADING IS COMPLETED in order to accommodate any last minute requirements you may have
- Whenever possible, try to move at other times than at the beginning and end of the month as these dates prove to be the most expensive
- Dispose of old obsolete articles that you no longer require.
- Notify school authorities so they may forward your children's school records to the new school.
- Notify doctor, dentist and government offices
- Be sure to notify the Vehicle Registration Office of change of address.
- Carry with you your currency, jewellery and valuable papers.
- If moving in hot or cold weather, articles subject to extreme temperatures should be shipped under controlled conditions.
- Notify Post Office of change of address.
- Make arrangements in advance for all services at your new home so that all utilities are turned on for you on the day you are moving in.
